Today’s demand for the use of fire-resistant fluids that assure safe and dependable operation in an electrohydraulic control system (EHC) demand peak performing media. The change-over to Schroeder “F” Pack media from a traditional, high performance, synthetic media results in lower, clean pressure drop and higher efficiency. Most importantly, the change eliminates cast-off, or shedding of synthetic fibers, which can result in servo valve failure.
■ Total stainless steel, sintered depth style media
■ Pleated media
■ Sintered construction prevents shedding of media
■ Outside/in flow
■ Extremely efficient: ß3=1000 and ß10=1000
■ Excellent choice for use with phosphate esters and Fyrquel® fluids
■ Operating temperature -20°F to 350°F with use of Viton® seals
■ Element collapse rating 3000 psid for use at high differential pressures